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subzero Meaning in Telugu ( subzero తెలుగు అంటే)

సబ్జెరో, సబ్ జీరో


సబ్ జీరో,

subzero's Usage Examples:

2016, in which parts of the Arabian desert in Saudi Arabia experienced subzero temperatures, snowfall and flooding.

However, they are capable of remaining active even in subzero temperatures when necessary.

periglacial climates, where the temperature results in long periods of subzero temperatures.

As part of the type's first visit to North America, the jet performed several circuits in the subzero temperatures before departing back to Toulouse–Blagnac Airport.

It introduced subzero sizes for naturally petite women.

climbers around Kyushu travelling to Shiiba due to the consistent subzero temperates and many frozen waterfalls to be found around the region.

Because of the cold, and often subzero, temperatures at which snow rugby is played, players must dress warmly.

String bogs are features associated with periglacial climates, where the temperature results in long periods of subzero temperatures.

gradual adaptation to low temperature through a process known as cold acclimation, which initiates the transition to prepare for subzero temperatures through.

animals, bacteria and fungus, for example in high altitude and the freezing subzero temperatures of the Arctic and Antarctic, which creates a similar suspension.

subzero, temperatures at which snow rugby is played, players must dress warmly.

Army Air Corps who helped pioneer aviation at subzero temperatures.

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