submitting Meaning in Telugu ( submitting తెలుగు అంటే)
సమర్పించడం, ఓటమిని అంగీకరించడానికి
అంగీకారం, ప్రదర్శించడానికి లేదా చూపించడానికి, బెండ్, సూచించండి, ఓటమిని అంగీకరించడానికి,
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submitting తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:
1996 లో పురపాలక ఎన్నికలలో ఓటమిని అంగీకరించడానికి సెర్బియా అధికార సోషలిస్టు పార్టీ తిరస్కరించినప్పుడు, సెర్బియా ప్రభుత్వం పెద్ద ఎత్తున నిరసనలు వ్యక్తం చేసింది.
ఓటమిని అంగీకరించడానికి మిలెసేవివిక్ బలవంతం చేసారు.
submitting's Usage Examples:
encyclopedia which would allow anyone to contribute by writing articles and submitting them to the central catalogue of all Interpedia pages.
Phil (Master of Philosophy) instead, preventing the candidate from resubmitting the thesis.
were not in the language of the submitting country.
Are resubmitting today and hoping it is processed asap "as we have deadlines to meet"".
Instead of hosting live shows and judging the bands by their live performances, this Battle of the Bands was hosted digitally with artists submitting pre-recorded songs to //radiotakover's website using a user-based voting system.
To honor the 50th anniversary of the event the Grosse Pointe News partnered with the Grosse Pointe Board of Realtors in submitting an application for a historic site marker to be placed near the one previously installed on campus.
" Cross reference: 1 Timothy 1:10 "Homosexuals" (KJV: "effeminates"): catamites, those submitting to homosexuals "Sodomites": male homosexuals In 2019.
Best-value selection: This selection focuses on both the price and qualifications of the contractors submitting bids.
Before submitting the report to Congress, the Chairman provides a copy to the Secretary of Defense.
You must apply to have one by submitting some I.
based on getting three "lucky stars" on associated National Lottery scratchcards and submitting them for a televised drawing.
August 30, 2007, Kaczmarek was detained for 48 hours on allegations of hampering the investigation and submitting false testimonies.
In one famous incident in 435, during the Northern Wei Dynasty, Goguryeo ambassadors made a formal request that the imperial government issue them a document containing the emperors' names so that they could avoid offending the emperor while submitting their king's petition.
return, pass on, relegate, subject, refer, give,
explode, disinherit, bottlefeed, breastfeed, starve,