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stepparents Meaning in Telugu ( stepparents తెలుగు అంటే)

సవతి తల్లిదండ్రులు, స్టెప్ తల్లిదండ్రులు



stepparents's Usage Examples:

separated from his biological mother; through his childhood, living with stepparents Lila and S.

the term has been extended to cover difficult relationships between stepparents and stepchildren in general.

introduction of the "evil step-mother" character in the past is problematic to stepparents today, as it has created a stigma towards stepmothers.

children-in-law even after the divorce of the earlier couple, as well as to stepparents and stepchildren, and former husbands or wives to an adoptive parent.

quality and (step)parent-child relationship quality for parents and stepparents in stepfamilies’, Journal of Family Psychology, Vol 9(2),.

Known child adoptions (adoption by relatives, stepparents or carers) are a form of local adoptions.

Lizzie has had numerous stepparents in her life.

died upon his birth, his father and his uncle (who served as one of his stepparents) both died several years afterwards.

of parental abuse by children in concern with stepchildren abusing stepparents.

higher incidences of different forms of child abuse and mistreatment by stepparents than by biological parents.

Noah begins to take more of an interest in what his parents and stepparents are doing.

If unmarried fathers or stepparents do not have PRRs, they must either make a Section 4 Agreement, or apply.

summarized their findings on the Cinderella effect, which suggests that stepparents are more likely to mistreat children than biological parents.


stepmother, stepfather, parent,


male parent, female parent, father, child,

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