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stegocephalia Meaning in Telugu ( stegocephalia తెలుగు అంటే)

స్టెగోసెఫాలియా, స్టెగోస్ఫిలియా

ప్రీ-వర్గీకరణలో తరగతి ఉఫిబియా యొక్క విభాగం అన్ని పూర్వ-జురాసిక్ మరియు తరువాత అంతరించిపోయిన పెద్ద సలాండ్రిఫ్రికామ్ ఉపిబియాను కలిగి ఉంటుంది,

stegocephalia's Usage Examples:

Umzantsia is an extinct genus of limbed stegocephalians ("tetrapods", in the broad sense) from the Devonian of South Africa.

stegocephalians : with descriptions of a new stegocephalian and new crossopterygian from the Upper Devonian of East Greenland.

were described at various times as batrachians, stegocephalians, and labyrinthodonts, although these names are now rarely used.

They were described at various times as batrachians, stegocephalians, and labyrinthodonts, although these names are now rarely.

that it combines a flat, heavily armoured stegocephalian skull with a fishlike tail bearing fin rays.

The first tetrapods were all amphibians in the physiological sense that they laid their eggs in water, and are colloquially sometimes referred to as labyrinthodonts or stegocephalians.

Analyses such as Ruta " Coates (2007) have offered an alternate classification scheme, arguing that adelospondyls were actually far removed from other lepospondyls, instead being stem-tetrapod stegocephalians closely related to the family Colosteidae.

their eggs in water, and are colloquially sometimes referred to as labyrinthodonts or stegocephalians.

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