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spatterdock Meaning in Telugu ( spatterdock తెలుగు అంటే)


తూర్పు మరియు మధ్య ఉత్తర అమెరికా యొక్క సాధారణ నీటి లిల్లీ ప్రపంచంలో విస్తృత ఆకులు మరియు పసుపు పువ్వులు; నిస్తేజంగా తాజా లేదా స్వల్ప ఉప్పు నీటిలో,

spatterdock తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

to Accompany Me (1994).

of them are members of the UN:.

of the above in English Wikipedia.

spatterdock's Usage Examples:

Aquatic plants include water fern, water lily, coontail, bladderwort and spatterdock.

Rhionaeschna mutata, the spatterdock darner, is a species of darner in the dragonfly family Aeshnidae.

Common names include water-lily (Eurasian species; shared with many other genera in the same family), pond-lily, alligator-bonnet or bonnet lily, and spatterdock (North American species).

Nuphar advena (spatterdock or cow lily or yellow pond-lily) is a species of Nuphar native throughout the eastern United States and in some parts of Canada.

Vegetation in the lake includes cattail, pondweed, American lotus, spatterdock, rushes, water hyacinth, water lettuce, and hydrilla.

cordifolia tuber ladder fern tuber sword fern Nuphar lutea yellow water lily spatterdock cow lily, brandybottle Nymphaea mexicana Mexican water lily banana waterlily.

in the same family), pond-lily, alligator-bonnet or bonnet lily, and spatterdock (North American species).

Aquatic plants include water fern, water lily, coontail, bladderwort and spatterdock.

) Cattails, spatterdock and water lilies are the major emergent plants.

forget-me-not Eritrichium nanum, European white waterlily Nymphaea alba, Typha, spatterdock Nuphar lutea, Physoplexis comosa.

of flowering plant in the family Nymphaeaceae related to the modern spatterdock, Nuphar advena.

(Hagen, 1861) – blue-eyed darner Rhionaeschna mutata (Hagen, 1861) – spatterdock darner Rhionaeschna nubigena (De Marmels, 1989) Rhionaeschna obscura.

Vegetation that was in the lake include cattail, pondweed, American lotus, spatterdock, rushes, water hyacinth, water lettuce, and hydrilla.

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