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sibyllic Meaning in Telugu ( sibyllic తెలుగు అంటే)

సిబిలిక్, సిలాక్టిక్

ఒక ప్రవచనం లేదా అంచనా వంటి,

sibyllic's Usage Examples:

number of subordinate officials who, as De Luca stated, had enigmatical and sibyllic titles, e.

Subdatary came a number of subordinate officials who, as De Luca stated, had enigmatical and sibyllic titles, e.

Strong in hope and gifted with sibyllic vision like earlier Filipino priestesses and beatas, the sisters also sought.

Bridgman, (1941) Clausius is the author of the sibyllic utterance, "The energy of the universe is constant; the entropy of the.


divinatory, prophetic, sibylline, prophetical, vatic, mantic, vatical,


unprophetic, empirical, exoteric, nonprognosticative, unpredictive,

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