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sauria Meaning in Telugu ( sauria తెలుగు అంటే)


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sauria's Usage Examples:

the hind legs of prehistoric earth"s giant saurians, and terminated in ridgy-veined pads that were neither hooves nor claws.

Raeticodactylidae is a family of eudimorphodontoid eopterosaurian pterosaurs that lived in Switzerland during the Late Triassic.

One oviraptorosaurian specimen from China has been found with two unlaid eggs within the pelvic canal.

Historia, Trebellianus was a Cilician robber, who called his castle in the fastnesses of the Isaurian mountains the Palatium (as the imperial palace on the.

Initially, Leidy (1856) assumed they were lacertilian (lizards), but, by 1924, they were referred to Dinosauria by Gilmore.

"On the base of a large lacertian cranium from the Potton Sands, presumably dinosaurian".

that unite the clade Sauria also help them be distinguished from stem-saurians in Diapsida or stem-reptiles in clade Sauropsida in the following categories.

Drusilasaura was assigned to the Titanosauridae by the describers and considered a possible member of the Lognkosauria.

Pachycephalosauria (/ˌpækɪsɛfələˈsɔːriə, -ˌkɛf-/; from Greek παχυκεφαλόσαυρος for "thick headed lizards") is a clade of ornithischian dinosaurs.

Aphanosauria is a Triassic group of gracile carnivorous quadrupeds; in 2017, aphanosaurs were recognized as the first major group of non-ornithodiran.

Narmabuenatitan was assigned to the clade Lithostrotia in a trichotomy with Epachthosaurus and the more derived clade Eutitanosauria.

divisions of Archosauria, including living crocodilians and all archosaurs more closely related to crocodilians than to birds.

It is described as being saurian in appearance.


order Squamata, family Amphisbaenidae, family Anniellidae, Agamidae, Gekkonidae, family Pygopodidae, family Iguanidae, family Teiidae, Lanthanotidae, family Agamidae, family Gekkonidae, Lacertilia, Iguania, Lacertidae, suborder Sauria, Amphisbaenidae, Teiidae, Squamata, Chamaeleonidae, animal order, Varanidae, Cordylidae, family Helodermatidae, family Xantusiidae, Scincidae, family Iguania, Anniellidae, family Varanidae, family Anguidae, Xantusiidae, family Lacertidae, family Cordylidae, Iguanidae, family Chamaeleonidae, family Scincidae, Chamaeleontidae, suborder Lacertilia, Anguidae, family Rhiptoglossa, Rhiptoglossa, Xenosauridae, family Lanthanotidae, family Chamaeleontidae, Pygopodidae, saurian, family Xenosauridae, Helodermatidae,



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