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sandpipers Meaning in Telugu ( sandpipers తెలుగు అంటే)

ఇసుక పైపర్లు, శాండ్పిప్పర్



sandpipers's Usage Examples:

sandpipers, western reef egret, great egret, ruff, eurasian oystercatcher, greenshanks, redshanks, gulls, skimmers, ducks, pelicans, storks, Godwits, terns.

geese, common and king eiders, long-tailed ducks, purple sandpipers, red phalaropes, glaucous gulls, long-tailed jaegers and snow buntings.

occupy the site in autumn include little stint, ruff and spotted redshank, greenshank, and common, curlew, green and wood sandpipers.

Among the Scolopacidae, Xenus is part of the shank-tattler-phalarope clade and less closely related to the calidrid sandpipers.

sharp-shinned hawks, red-tailed hawks, dusky grouses, grey partridges, killdeers, spotted sandpipers, California gulls, band-tailed pigeons, great horned.

Broad-billed sandpipers are small waders, slightly smaller than the dunlin, but with a longer straighter bill, and shorter legs.

shank-tattler-phalarope clade and less closely related to the calidrid sandpipers.

sandpiper is the type species, a close relationship with the small "stint" sandpipers would preclude the use of Erolia for the present species.

Other birds for which the site is important include common greenshanks, red knots, sharp-tailed sandpipers, banded lapwings, red-capped plovers.

They are the typical "sandpipers", small to medium-sized, long-winged and relatively short-billed.

Refuge grasslands provide habitat for upland sandpipers, bobolinks, and Savannah sparrows.

course of spotted sandpipers" lives, becoming especially prevalent around the breeding season.

while there are spring migrants such as green sandpipers and spotted redshanks, and breeding birds such as skylarks and meadow pipits.


yellowlegs, Tringa totanus, jacksnipe, least sandpiper, pectoral sandpiper, sanderling, dunlin, Calidris melanotos, greyback, Actitis hypoleucos, Tringa nebularia, Crocethia alba, Actitis macularia, family Scolopacidae, European sandpiper, redshank, stint, Calidris canutus, Erolia minutilla, shorebird, upland plover, greenshank, grayback, Erolia alpina, Bartramian sandpiper, curlew sandpiper, upland sandpiper, Philomachus pugnax, Scolopacidae, ruff, shore bird, Calidris Ferruginea, spotted sandpiper, knot, limicoline bird, Bartramia longicauda, tattler, red-backed sandpiper,


untie, smoothness, unravel, untwine, unknot,

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