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saiga Meaning in Telugu ( saiga తెలుగు అంటే)

సైగ, రష్యా యొక్క చౌరాస్ గ్రౌండ్

సెంట్రల్ Eureasia యొక్క ఒక మేక వంటి ఆంటిలోప్ ఒక cusposis వంటి ఒక stabbi ముక్కు ఉంది,


సాగా, రష్యా యొక్క చౌరాస్ గ్రౌండ్,

saiga's Usage Examples:

In the meantime the economy of Kalmykia collapsed and the numbers of saiga have crashed due to poaching.

Illustrations of saiga antelopes can be found among the cave paintings that were dated back to seventh.

Henryk Sienkiewicz opens "With Fire and Sword" with a description of saigas as a way to highlight the otherworldly setting of the Pontic Steppe.

Currently, free saigas can only be found in Russia in the Chyornye Zemli Nature Reserve.

The saigas and Tibetan antelopes are related to true antelopes (Antilopinae) and goats.

Fire and Sword opens with a description of saigas as a way to highlight the story"s exotic setting Saigas are now extinct in Europe and are a critically.

In 2015, some 200,000 saiga antelope died within a period of one week in a 20 km2 area of the Betpak-Dala.

those are near-complete fossilized skeletons of horses, deer, gazelles and saigas that don"t live in the territory of Azerbaijan anymore.

Other programs include working with local villages and poor households which agree to help conserve saigas.

Muskoxen roar during male-male fights, and male saigas force air through their noses, producing a roar to deter rival males and.

cold-living saiga, the desert-adapted Arabian oryx, the rocky koppie-living klipspringer, and semiaquatic sitatunga.

Wild animals that appeared in their territories include onagers, gazelles and saiga antilope.

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