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sagebrush Meaning in Telugu ( sagebrush తెలుగు అంటే)

సేజ్ బ్రష్, నాగ్దానా

జెనా ఆర్టెమిస్ లేదా సీకీడియం యొక్క అనేక ఉత్తర అమెరికా మిశ్రమ డ్రాప్స్లో ఏదీ కాదు,



sagebrush's Usage Examples:

Artemisia californica, also known as California sagebrush, is a species of western North American shrubs in the sunflower family.

The pass is a broad open saddle with prairie and sagebrush, allowing a broad and nearly level route between.

), ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), grasses, and sagebrushes (Artemisia spp.

The canyon"s area is generally divided into two main ecological zones: a subarid environment that is mainly populated by sagebrush and a pine-fir montane.

Most of the sagebrush that occurs in the Wasatch.

The arid sagebrush steppe and grasslands of the region are flanked by moister, predominantly forested, mountainous ecoregions on all sides.

The western region of Betpak-Dala is an argillaceous sagebrush desert; Anabasis salsa grows in the salt-marsh depressions.

) and sagebrushes (Artemisia spp.

Wildlife in the Wilderness includes Columbia spotted frog, mule deer, sharp-shinned hawk, golden eagle, Clark"s nutcracker, sagebrush sparrow, sagebrush vole.

Scrub areas support many aromatic varieties of sagebrush, coyote bush, and monkeyflower.

big sagebrush, Great Basin sagebrush, sagebrush Baccharis salicifolia – mule fat, seepwillow, water-wally Baileya multiradiata – desert marigold Brickellia.

produces a landscape of open bunch-grass prairies dotted with sagebrush and rabbit brush containing the occasional juniper tree, while the more sheltered areas.

north, desert and semi-desert vegetation is noted, including sagebrush, saltwort and feather-grass.

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