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rotundate Meaning in Telugu ( rotundate తెలుగు అంటే)

భ్రమణం, రోటుండా



rotundate తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

రోటుండా నిర్మాణాన్ని బొమ్మలతో సమతుల్యం చేశాడు.

rotundate's Usage Examples:

The lamina has an entire margin and a slightly emarginate to rotundate apex.

The frons is longitudinally convex, genae anteriorly rotundate, neither frons nor genae produced in the middle.

Cell-spots of forewing elongate-rotundate, deep black; beyond the cell an abbreviated curved macular band and near.

The aperture is semi-rotundate, oblique, margins approaching, united by a thin callus on the parietal.

The hindwings are orange with black, with rotundate (rounded) marginal spots.

in Auriculella* bean - for example: Aerotrochus perdepressa circular, rotundate, orbicular claw-shaped aperture - Some Melongenidae have a claw-shaped.

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