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retinoblastoma Meaning in Telugu ( retinoblastoma తెలుగు అంటే)

రెటినోబ్లాస్టోమా, నేత్ర పటలపు మారంతువు

రెటీనా కణాల ఘోరమైన కణ కణికలు; సాధారణంగా మూడవ సంవత్సరం ముందు సంభవిస్తుంది; ఆదిమ చిన్న రౌండ్ రెటినల్ కణాలతో తయారు చేయబడింది,


నేత్ర పటలపు మారంతువు,

retinoblastoma's Usage Examples:

Retinoblastoma is a rare cancer of the retina, caused by the mutation of both copies of retinoblastoma genes (RB1).

Knudson subsequently showed that the model was not only applicable to retinoblastoma but also to Wilms' tumors of the kidney.

It binds directly, with several other proteins, to retinoblastoma protein (pRB) which regulates cell proliferation.

several other proteins, to retinoblastoma protein which regulates cell proliferation.

Alfred Knudson, a pediatrician and cancer geneticist, proposed that in order to develop retinoblastoma, two.

Trilateral retinoblastoma is a malignant midline primitive neuroectodermal tumor occurring in patients with inherited uni- or bilateral retinoblastoma.

ubiquitin ligase and has been shown to target cell-cycle regulators such as retinoblastoma protein (pRb).

The retinoblastoma protein (protein name abbreviated pRb; gene name abbreviated Rb, RB or RB1) is a tumor suppressor protein that is dysfunctional in several.

present in retina is retinoblastoma.

EBNA-3C can recruit a ubiquitin ligase and has been shown to target cell-cycle regulators such as retinoblastoma protein (pRb).

cancer During this transition, G1 cyclin D-Cdk4/6 dimer phosphorylates retinoblastoma releasing transcription factor E2F, which then drives the transition.

He noted that inherited retinoblastoma occurs.

When retinoblastoma patients present with pinealoblastoma this is characterized as "trilateral retinoblastoma".

retinoblastoma's Meaning in Other Sites