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reprovals Meaning in Telugu ( reprovals తెలుగు అంటే)

ఖండనలు, రిలాడ్రిషన్

విమర్శ మరియు సంచలనం యొక్క చట్టం లేదా వ్యక్తీకరణ,

reprovals's Usage Examples:

Lanfeust, she attempts to seduce him whenever she can despite reprovals and scoldings from her father and sister.

Infatuated with Lanfeust, she attempts to seduce him whenever she can despite reprovals and scoldings from her father and sister.


chastening, admonition, lecture, dressing down, berating, reproach, chiding, monition, reproof, reprimand, rebuke, talking to, unfavorable judgment, blowing up, speech, objurgation, chastisement, criticism, earful, upbraiding, riot act, what for, bawling out, reprehension, correction, going-over, tongue-lashing, admonishment, castigation, scolding, chewing out,


praise, approval,

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