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reconsecrated Meaning in Telugu ( reconsecrated తెలుగు అంటే)


ఒక అవమానకరమైన తరువాత,

reconsecrated తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

to Accompany Me (1994).

of them are members of the UN:.

of the above in English Wikipedia.

reconsecrated's Usage Examples:

It was reconsecrated in 561 AD, under the rule of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I, under.

times, all of the monasteries are in ruins except for that of Mor Melke reconsecrated in the 1930s, Mor Yakub Monastery, founded in Dibek in 2012–2013, and.

It was secularised in 1559, but was later reconsecrated in 1854.

modern frescoes, the presence of which has meant that it has not been reconsecrated.

Crusaders transformed it into a church in the 11th century, but it was reconsecrated as a mosque by the Ayyubids in the 12th century.

The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church recently reconsecrated the church to Christian worship and dedicated it to the Presentation.

After rebuilding, it was reconsecrated in 1422, and in 1485 it merged with the Oratory of Santa Maria dei Patriarchi.

With the new myron, Gabriel reconsecrated six portable altars that had been profaned, although we are not told.

the architect Cesare Bazzani (Rome, 1873 - Rome 1939), the church was reconsecrated 15 July 1931.

On September 18, 1919, Reuss was reconsecrated by Bricaud, thus receiving the Antioch Succession, and re-appointed as Gnostic Legate to Switzerland for Bricaud's Église Gnostique Universelle.

the new myron, Gabriel reconsecrated six portable altars that had been profaned, although we are not told how.

It later became the seat of the Anglican bishop and was reconsecrated as the Cathedral Church of St.

converted into a mosque (probably in the 16th century), until it was reconsecrated as a Greek Orthodox church in 1921, thus receiving its present name.


bless, hallow, sanctify, consecrate,


desecrate, curse, profane, desecrated, unholy,

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