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reconcilable Meaning in Telugu ( reconcilable తెలుగు అంటే)

రాజీపడగల, డిచ్ఛార్జ్డ్


స్నేహపూర్వక, ప్రశంసలు, డిచ్ఛార్జ్డ్,

reconcilable's Usage Examples:

Consumers" Research and the strikers became more entrenched and less reconcilable, and the strikers began to have more discussions about the working conditions.

Amendment"s Double Jeopardy Clause to cases in which a jury returns irreconcilable verdicts that convict a defendant on one count and acquit a defendant.

In February 2015, Duff filed for divorce from Comrie, citing irreconcilable differences and sought primary custody of their son.

Treaty of Versailles As one of the group of senators known as the irreconcilables or the bitter-enders, Sherman opposed the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles and of U.

Competing paradigms are frequently incommensurable; that is, they are competing and irreconcilable accounts of reality.

" He concluded that "Springsteen reconciles seemingly unreconcilable concepts: a sober awareness of social and erotic realities and a boundless.

The Muslim scholar Ma Dexin, who said that Neo-Confucianism was reconcilable with Islam, approved of Ma Rulong defecting to the Qing and he also assisted.

2004) The Soviet Union had 48 officials shot as "unreconcilable enemies of the Soviet government and active counter-revolutionists.

irreconcilable demands of patriotism and responsibility for the safety of his shelterers, set against the feelings he still has for Anton, despite the latter"s.

The differences between Wieck and his wife, Marianne, were irreconcilable in large part due to Wieck’s unyielding nature.

spiritual belief that binaries such as the moral and physical universe were reconcilable.


harmonizable, resolvable,


inconsistent, insoluble, irreconcilable,

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