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recommitment Meaning in Telugu ( recommitment తెలుగు అంటే)

రికమిట్మెంట్, కేటాయించవచ్చు


కేటాయించవచ్చు, నిబద్ధత,

recommitment తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

 అనధికార చెల్లింపులను నివారించడానికి, స్మార్ట్‌ఫోన్ పోయినట్లయితే, వినియోగదారు "Android పరికర నిర్వాహికి" ను ఉపయోగించి రిమోట్‌గా పరికరంలోని డేటాను తొలగించవచ్చు లేదా క్రొత్త పాస్‌వర్డ్‌ను కేటాయించవచ్చు - ఈ ఫంక్షన్ Android ద్వారా అందించబడుతుంది Google Pay లేకుండా కూడా మద్దతు ఇస్తుంది.

అయితే పరస్పర ఒప్పందం ద్వారా అటువంటి అదనపు పనిని కేటాయించవచ్చు, చెయ్యవచ్చు, చెల్లించవచ్చు.

0 ప్రాంతంలో సంచరించడానికి నెట్‌వర్క్ అనుమతులను అధికారం, కేటాయించవచ్చు.

recommitment's Usage Examples:

"CFU Womens Challenge Series 2018 gets the ball rolling on recommitment to female players".

relationship has faced several obstacles, including a motorbike crash, Joel"s recommitment to the Church, a kidnapping, and pregnancy.

Jackson, their relationship, their separation over his infidelity and recommitment to each other, and her commitment to Christianity.

He called for repentance and a general recommitment to moral living and religious teachings.

Nationalist party meetings, where they advocated redistribution reform and a recommitment to "liberal" values.

Asking God for forgiveness Resolution and offering a prayer of hopeful recommitment It is important, however, that the person feels free to structure the.

" In addition to acting as a sign of repentance and recommitment, rebaptism was also seen as a healing ordinance frequently practiced.

for intervention in Syria; however, this could simply indicate a Saudi recommitment to the military intervention against ISIL which was downgraded following.

status reports at the following year"s symposium, leading to resolution, recommitment, or redefinition of the issues.

"Hope Sons Build on Legacy : Firm: A recommitment to San Diego and a touch of flamboyance mark the company"s "90s attitude".

"Warriors" top-flight prospects boosted with Eze recommitment".

"WSOF 3"s Dan Lauzon on 2011 stabbing, frustrating layoff, recommitment to MMA".

measure also established an annual day of "observation, reflection and recommitment" on May 13, the anniversary of the bombing.

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