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recombinations Meaning in Telugu ( recombinations తెలుగు అంటే)

పునఃసంయోగాలు, తిరిగి యాదృచ్చికం



తిరిగి యాదృచ్చికం, తిరిగి కలిపి,

recombinations's Usage Examples:

characteristics involving evolution, including high rates of genetic mutations, recombinations, and reassortments.

switching, terms introduced to indicate two kinds of immune system recombinations, which are the main cause of the enormous variety of antibodies.

recombination (microdeletion or microduplication) where both reciprocal recombinations result in a contiguous gene syndrome.

Gene recombinations that result in the loss of N-terminal regions produce MCF2 variants.

still be IBS due to the same mutations in different individuals or recombinations that do not alter the segment.

operators for generating new individuals (such as mutations and/or recombinations), LEM employs hypothesis generation and instantiation operators.

According to this view, mutations, recombinations and other genetic changes in the germline may be passed to offspring.

Gallery in 2006, earning critical attention for his unorthodox formal recombinations of found materials.

most circumstances, radiative recombinations will be a small proportion of total recombinations, with most recombinations being non-radiative, taking place.

The effect is to assort the alleles on parental chromosomes, so that the gametes carry recombinations.

mutations and/or recombinations), LEM employs hypothesis generation and instantiation operators.

estimated to triple the diversity initially generated by these V(D)J recombinations.

Because direct recombinations to the ground state (lowest energy) of hydrogen are very inefficient.


combine, combining,


disintegrate, take away, analyze,

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