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reclines Meaning in Telugu ( reclines తెలుగు అంటే)

వాలుతాడు, విశ్రమించడం


బెండ్, వంపు, విశ్రమించడం, తీసుకోండి,

reclines తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

కుప్పనూర్పిళ్ళు,మోటబావి నుండి నీళ్ళు తోడడం, చెట్టు కింద పశువులు విశ్రమించడం, గోదావరి గట్టు, దేవాలయాలు, వాటి పరిసరాలు - యివన్నీ అతనికి ప్రియమైన దృశ్యాలు.

reclines's Usage Examples:

transparency originals into digital form Flatbed seat, airline seat that reclines to a full-horizontal flat position to form a bed Flatbed truck, a type.

in which a single woman reclines outdoors on a tiger skin, glancing mischievously at the viewer.

Albrecht Dürer"s Hercules at the Crossroads (1498): Hercules and Virtue on the right attack Vice who reclines with a satyr on the left.

As the bed reclines upwards and McCabe looks at the guard menacingly, the guard suddenly realizes that his gun is gone.

lang " the reclines" in support of her album Angel with a Lariat.

Preece reclines across the painting, with her arms behind her head and legs spread.

Venus and Cupid is a depiction of a sleeping Venus, who reclines on a blue bed covering and rich crimson and gold tasseled pillow.

then Sankarshan expands into Karanodakasayi-Visnu (maha-Vishnu), who reclines within the Mahat-Tattva, creating innumerable universes from the pores.

The Hart reclines on a yellow field, representing Saint Alban, the patron saint of Hertfordshire.

3 in) and with a somewhat different composition, in which a single woman reclines outdoors on a tiger skin, glancing mischievously at the viewer.

voice, after which Johnny once again reclines back in his wheelchair and babbles at his chihuahua.

sleeping Venus, who reclines on a blue bed covering and rich crimson and gold tasseled pillow.

popular scene of the Birth of Jesus technically shows the Virgin Mary, who reclines on a couch in most medieval examples, lying-in, but in famously un-ideal.


lean back, lean, slant, tilt, tip, angle, fall back,


front, right, unaffectedness, undeceive, call option,

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