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reciprocality Meaning in Telugu ( reciprocality తెలుగు అంటే)

అన్యోన్యత, ఇంటర్కనెక్షన్

పరస్పర డిపెండెన్సీ లేదా చర్య లేదా ప్రభావం యొక్క సంబంధం,


ఇంటర్కనెక్షన్, పరస్పర ప్రవర్తన, అన్యోన్యత,

reciprocality తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

ఇంటర్కనెక్షన్ పాయింట్లు ఫ్రాంక్ఫర్ట్, లండన్, న్యూయార్క్, హాంకాంగ్ ఉన్నాయి.

reciprocality's Usage Examples:

This is applicable to countries not in the reciprocality agreement.

benefactive case, reflexivity (including possessive reflexivity), and reciprocality.

These reflexive morphemes are largely employed for expressing reciprocality as well; however, in cases where there is potential ambiguity between.

A nasal prefix may be added to the root to express reciprocality or middle voice.

Manado Malay are loaned to standard Indonesian: baku (which indicates reciprocality) e.

[and] Although Bandura"s model of triadic reciprocality suggests that the environment and behavior recursively determine one.

However, reciprocality for UK/ Commonwealth medical graduates has since been abolished.

than inflectional, express duration/repetition, passivity/reflexivity, reciprocality, and causativity on the verb.


relation, reciprocity, interdependence, interdependency, mutualness, complementarity, correlativity, mutuality, correlation, reciprocal,


descendant, ancestor, unconnectedness, connectedness, nonreciprocal,

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