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receptacula Meaning in Telugu ( receptacula తెలుగు అంటే)

రెసెప్టాక్యులా, ఎన్కేస్మెంట్


బండార్, పెట్టె, డ్రాయర్, ఎన్కేస్మెంట్, కిందికి వెళ్ళు,

receptacula's Usage Examples:

species of the genus; females by the long, slender, spiraled spermathecal receptacula.

claws) by its spermathecae consisting of a single dome bearing numerous receptacula.

"Description of the male and illustration of the female receptacula of Yamia watasei Kishida, 1920 (Arachnida, Araneae, Theraphosidae, Selenocosmiinae)".

Hinc et ex episcopii pecunia marsupiorum farsisset plurimum receptacula, clanculo Anglia secedens ultra non-apparuit.

in the prepenultimate pediferous segment there is a pair of spherical receptacula semines the convoluted ducts of which open into the genital atrium along.

other Chilean species of Lycinus by the spermathecae with two or three receptacula on each side.

"Seminal receptacula in the female reproductive-tract of Opisthopatus cinctipes Purcell (Onychophora.

Pereswetoff-Morath, ""Otiosorum hominum receptacula": Orthodox Religious Houses in Ingria, 1615–52", Scando-Slavica, vol.

in Levy (1984)); particularly used of the labium Receptaculum (plural receptacula) → spermatheca Recurved: Used to describe a structure which is curved.

spermathecae /spərməˈθiːsiː/), also called receptaculum seminis (plural: receptacula seminis), is an organ of the female reproductive tract in insects, e.

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