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recapitalised Meaning in Telugu ( recapitalised తెలుగు అంటే)

రీక్యాపిటలైజ్ చేయబడింది, తిరిగి పెట్టుబడి పెట్టండి


తిరిగి పెట్టుబడి పెట్టండి,

recapitalised's Usage Examples:

In March 2007, the Omani government recapitalised the airline, which saw the government increasing its shareholding from.

The banks were taken over and recapitalised by the government because they had fallen below the Basel I Accord mandated.

said that HKMEx would reapply for the licence after the business is recapitalised after its rights issue June.

In 1898, the company was recapitalised as the Chillagoe Railway and Mining Company.

On 16 March 1964, the airline was recapitalised and reformed, and the name was changed to Air Congo (Brazzaville).

three (alongside Allied Irish Bank and Bank of Ireland) that would be recapitalised by the Irish government.

taxis have been scrapped, with 80% of the taxi fleet expected to be recapitalised by the 2009/10 financial year.

[citation needed] The company recapitalised in September 2009, with BIW plc being put into administration, a process.

Trust (MPY) now called Living and Leisure Australia (asx: LLA) was recapitalised and refinanced under a "236m rescue deal put together by Charbel Nader.

In July 2009, the bank was acquired and recapitalised by AnaCap Financial Partners LLP, a UK private equity firm.

1908 it had 80,000 spindles which rose to 82,000 in 1920, when it was recapitalised.

Twenty-three further banks were recapitalised in May, and in October 1999, Bank Mandiri itself was recapitalised.

Development Fund, a fund established by the Bank of Thailand, which has recapitalised Nakornthon to approximately seven billion baht (£109 million).

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