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rebut Meaning in Telugu ( rebut తెలుగు అంటే)

ఖండించండి, తప్పుడు నిరూపించడానికి


తప్పు, తప్పుడు, పరస్పరం, తప్పు నిరూపించండి, తిరస్కరించడానికి, తప్పుడు నిరూపించడానికి,

rebut's Usage Examples:

McLeish rebutted the charges against him, claiming that the issue was "a muddle, not a fiddle".

, Irrebuttable Presumptions: An Illusory Analysis, (1975) 27 Stanford Law Review 449English lawEvidence law The state election for the 51st Parliament of South Australia was held in the Australian state of South Australia on 18 March 2006, and was conducted by the independent State Electoral Office.

Deadline for initial expert disclosures and rebuttal expert disclosures.

aureispina Rausch Sulcorebutia gemmae Mosti " Rovida Sulcorebutia gerosenilis Ríha " Arandia Sulcorebutia heliosoides.

Harvey rebutted the personal charges made by Nashe in Pierce"s supererogation, or a New Prayse of the Old Asse (1593).

The rebuttal centred mainly on Vialls' comparison of the Pentagon crash with an incident in which an Israeli El Al 747-200F cargo plane, flight 1862, crashed into a 12-story apartment block in the Amsterdam suburb of Bijlmer on 4 October 1992.

been raised over the contents of the evidential presumptions which are rebuttable.

He once described his slogan as 'Put semantics last' and, in Universals " Scientific Realism, he rebuts an arguments in favour of Plato's theory of forms that rely on semantics by describing a long but, I think, on the whole discreditable tradition which tries to settle ontological questions on the basis of semantic considerations.

The shareholders seem swayed by Jorgy's speech and boo Garfield when he gets up to give a rebuttal.

disputation, summarised all arguments and presented his final position, riposting all rebuttals.

Werner claims to not know anything about the looted art pieces; Green rebuts him by labelling him as a "Nazi" who aided the looters.

studies have rebutted any association between Frank"s sign and coronary artery disease in diabetics.


refute, disown, contradict, renounce, repudiate, controvert, oppose, answer,


claim, take office, admit, accept, refrain,

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