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rebinding Meaning in Telugu ( rebinding తెలుగు అంటే)


ఒక కొత్త బైండింగ్ అందించండి,

rebinding's Usage Examples:

single-molecule experiments showed that DNA binding proteins undergo of rapid rebinding in order to bind in correct orientation for recognizing the target site.

Lastly, certain types of attacks, such as DNS rebinding or server-side proxies, permit the host name check to be partly subverted, and make it possible for rogue web pages to directly interact with sites through addresses other than their true, canonical origin.

configuration, NoScript"s ABE provides protection against CSRF and DNS rebinding attacks aimed at intranet resources, such as routers and sensitive web.

A bookpress is either: a screw press used in the binding or rebinding of books an early form of bookcase, used in medieval cloisters, to which books were.

Upon rebinding with the original molecule, the binding sites will interact with the target molecule, reestablishing the covalent bonds.

periodicals and other publications, and for their repair, binding, and rebinding, upon vouchers certified by the librarian of the Court; (6) Pay the salaries.

Customizations can be as simple as rebinding keys, but can be more involved; for instance, writing new interactive.

The sliding-rebinding model differs from the allosteric model in that the allosteric model posits.

Oversewing was frequently used as a rebinding technique for libraries.

The contents of the manuscript appears to have undergone rebinding during the 19th century and are now covered in a dark blue Morocco with.

original manuscript was slightly damaged by fire in 1733, and required rebinding.

pages had been trimmed during the rebinding of 1707, and the manuscript had been cut into single leaves in the rebinding of 1862.

include cleaning; mending and filling damaged pages; restitching and rebinding.




unlash, unstrap,

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