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readmissions Meaning in Telugu ( readmissions తెలుగు అంటే)

రీడ్మిషన్లు, పునః ప్రవేశం

మళ్ళీ ఎవరైనా అంగీకరించడానికి పని,


పునః ప్రవేశం,

readmissions తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

అయినప్పటికీ 1998 డిసెంబరులో చమురు ధరలు తగ్గడం, సాయుధ పోరాటాల పునః ప్రవేశం ద్వారా ఆర్థిక పురోగతి తీవ్రంగా దెబ్బతిన్నది.

ఈమె మళయాల చిత్రం క్యాలెండర్ (2009)తో నటిగా పునః ప్రవేశం చేసింది.

readmissions's Usage Examples:

deaths to a State of New York advisory that required admissions and readmissions of assisted living and nursing home residents without virus testing,.

had not been filled, due to a lack of valid applications for Serie C readmissions.

programs, and mentoring for quality improvement programs for reducing readmissions and hospital acquired diseases while optimizing transitions of care,.

Clostridium difficile infections, lowering the number of heart failure readmissions or managing advanced disease and palliative care.

the trauma population, demonstrating good correlation with mortality, morbidity, triage, and hospital readmissions.

Brazilian nonprofit organization that works to break the cycle of hospital readmissions of critically ill children from low-income backgrounds.

similar results with homeless patients requiring 50% fewer hospital readmissions in the 90-days following medical respite program participation than those.

Heart failure is a leading cause of hospital readmissions in the U.

alternate settings (at clinics and at home) in an effort to reduce hospital readmissions.

against medical advice, multiple chronic conditions and disparities in readmissions, and hospitalization costs for cystic fibrosis.

care more informed and coordinated, and reduces unnecessary care and readmissions.

Hospital readmissions first appeared in the medical literature in 1953 in work by Moya Woodside.

dysfunction, however it was shown to decrease all-cause readmissions as well as CHF-related readmissions.

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