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ratch Meaning in Telugu ( ratch తెలుగు అంటే)

రాట్చ్, గొట్టం లేదా చక్రం అంచులలో ట్యూబ్ యొక్క వాహిక

ఒక పంటి చక్రం లేదా రాక్ ఉన్న యాంత్రిక పరికరం, ఇది ఒక వంతెనకు అనుసంధానించబడిన ఒక వంతెనకు అనుసంధానించబడుతుంది,


రాట్చెట్, గొట్టం లేదా చక్రం అంచులలో ట్యూబ్ యొక్క వాహిక,

ratch's Usage Examples:

During the daytime the humidity drops and the awns slacken back again; however, fine silica hairs on the awns act as ratchet hooks.

Members of the apparat (apparatchiks or apparatchiki) were frequently transferred between different areas.

the bird initially scratches and bill-rakes at the ground, then erects its feathers and squats.

was time for to trabble / He screw aron his tail and begin to scratch grabble.

"Beyond cat scratch disease: widening spectrum of Bartonella henselae infection".

games, along with online slot machine games, progressive jackpots, and scratchcards.

sign Larrey"s sign Trendelenburg gait Allis test Apley grind test Apley scratch test Barlow"s maneuver Clarke"s test Cozen"s test Cotton test Durkan"s test.

dinosaur, Saurischia, sauropod sax- rock Latin saxum saxatile, saxicavous, saxicoline, saxifrage, saxifragous scab- scratch Latin scabere scabies scal- ladder.

manufactured and can contain innocent stories of Yule, or might even be scratchcards.

The ratchet and pawl arrests movement by employing a small gravity or spring-actuated lever paired.

the fly reel and these are the ratchet-and-pawl, caliper drags, disc drags, and center-line drags.


pawl, detent, dog, ratchet screwdriver, mechanical device, click, ratchet wheel, ratchet, rachet, spiral ratchet screwdriver,


rotor, continuant consonant, stand still, recede,

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