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ramifying Meaning in Telugu ( ramifying తెలుగు అంటే)

రామిఫైయింగ్, రామ్బాషోక్

క్లిష్టమైన ఫలితాలను అభివృద్ధి లేదా అభివృద్ధి చేయండి,

ramifying's Usage Examples:

large bonsai, a quick grower it responds well to pruning with branches ramifying well and leaf size reducing quite rapidly.

while Agassiz described the sponges as having "a long stem ending in ramifying roots, sunk deeply into the mud.

covered by the integument, superficial fascia, platysma, and deep fascia, ramifying in which are some of the branches of the supraclavicular nerves.

is traversed by an axial efferent blood vessel, and is supplied with ramifying peripheral afferent blood vessels.

The inner, dense epicuticle forms a complex ramifying system.

It accompanies the hepatic artery, ramifying upon its branches, and upon those of the.

From this last anastomoses a branch passes to the nasolacrimal duct, ramifying in its mucous membrane, as far as the inferior meatus of the nasal cavity.

These usually grow as subcircular sheets, spots or pimples, or systems of ramifying branches.

Altering such central portions of the web of beliefs would have immense, ramifying consequences, and affect many other beliefs.

the collecting duct of the nephron in the kidney, and the bile ducts ramifying through liver tissue.

covered by the integument, superficial fascia, Platysma, and deep fascia, ramifying in which are branches of the facial nerve and ascending filaments of the.

the outer circumference of subcircular encrusting colonies, or at the tips of the branches in ramifying encrusting and bushy erect colonies.

It is covered by the integument, superficial fascia, platysma, and deep fascia, ramifying in which are some of the branches of the supraclavicular.


separate, twig, bifurcate, furcate, arborize, arborise, diverge, fork, trifurcate, branch,


converge, connect, join, attach, associate,

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