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provostry Meaning in Telugu ( provostry తెలుగు అంటే)

ప్రోవోస్ట్రీ, జైలు గార్డ్


జైలు గార్డ్, మేజిస్ట్రేట్, చైర్మన్,

provostry's Usage Examples:

The prince-provostry of Wissemburg in Alsace was ruled by the prince-bishop of Speyer in a.

prestige as early as the High Middle Ages for the founding of the provostry.

In reaction to the Protestant Reformation, the provostry joined the Catholic League in 1609; it was occupied by Swedish troops.

He was replaced from the provostry of Vác to Pressburg (Pozsony, today"s Bratislava) as the secretary of.

the title is still used for a pastor officiating as chairperson in a provostry (e.

The provostry itself held the right to hold markets, and these early on earned.

The prince-provostry of Wissemburg in Alsace was ruled by the prince-bishop of Speyer in a personal union.

(The head of a Reichspropstei—an Imperial provostry or priory—was generally a Reichspropst).

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