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protozoologists Meaning in Telugu ( protozoologists తెలుగు అంటే)

ప్రోటోజూలాజిస్టులు, ప్రోటోజోవిడ్

ప్రోటోజోనాను అధ్యయనం చేసే ఒక సంకేత,

protozoologists's Usage Examples:

Fungi claimed by both protozoologists and.

Some protozoologists treated the chloromonads as an order within the phytoflagellates.

customarily refer to the protist Peranema as Pseudoperanema; whereas protozoologists, following the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, have.

both protozoologists and mycologists include mycetozoans, plasmodiophorids, acrasids, and labyrinthulomycetess.

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