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poundals Meaning in Telugu ( poundals తెలుగు అంటే)

పౌండ్లు, పల్లూండ్

1 పౌండ్ల మాస్ కోసం 1 అడుగు - రెండవ - రెండవ త్వరణం యొక్క ఒక యూనిట్ సమానంగా ఉంటుంది; 0.1382 న్యూటన్ సమానం,

poundals's Usage Examples:

pound-mass pound Force (F), weight (W) pound pound-force poundal Pressure (p) pounds per square inch pounds-force per square inch poundals per square foot.

A spring balance may be labeled in both units of force (poundals, Newtons) and mass (pounds, kilograms/grams).

Pressure (p) pounds per square inch technical atmosphere pounds-force per square inch standard atmosphere poundals per square foot barye pieze pascal.

For example, a force of 1200 poundals is required to accelerate a person of 150 pounds mass at 8 feet per second.

(ft/s2) EE: Force (lbf) mass (lb) × acceleration (ft/s2) ÷ g AE: Force (poundals) mass (lb) × acceleration (ft/s2) AE is ignored in many engineering courses.

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