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polish off Meaning in Telugu ( polish off తెలుగు అంటే)

పాలిష్ ఆఫ్, పోలిష్ మూసివేయబడింది

polish off's Usage Examples:

Sarah Hey of the Daily Mirror wrote: "She is a brazen man-eater who could polish off a bloke for breakfast and be ready for another by tea-time.

" He then sent the track to 2 Chainz and Rick Ross to polish off the song with their verses.

food range launched Archived 2014-02-02 at the Wayback Machine Poles polish off Gareth"s eastern delights (From This Is Cheshire) Конфеты чернослив в.

While it turns easily and will take a nice polish off the lathe without any finish, and it holds detail well, the fibrous wood.

by "the incredulous fact that the lively townsfolk of Shinbone didn"t polish off Valence [sic] for themselves.

food range launched Archived 2014-02-02 at the Wayback Machine "Poles polish off Gareth"s eastern delights".

defied the usual choreographic expectations by deliberately taking the polish off the standard Broadway production number.

should not be used on a polished stone finish because it will wear the polish off.

and a little bit of warmth, which shows a filmmaker evolving, trying to polish off his rough edges".

"Germans polish off Keegan".

"Trojans polish off Cougars".

It"s always there for someone to pick up, polish off, blow the dust off of it, and re-release it.

sitting there and I’m whittling this bat, I took a lathe and took all the polish off.


wrap up, get through, finish off, clear up, cap off, complete, mop up, finish up, finish,


exempt, unsoured, on, satisfactory, active,

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