police dog Meaning in Telugu ( police dog తెలుగు అంటే)
పోలీసు కుక్క, పోలీస్ డాగ్
పోలీస్ డాగ్,
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police dog తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:
" ది వాంకోవర్ పోలిస్ డిపార్ట్మెంట్ ఆపరేషనల్ " విభాగంలో " పోలీస్ బైసైకిల్ " (బైసైకిల్ స్క్వాడ్), " వాటర్ పోలీస్ " (మారిన్ స్క్వాడ్), " పోలీస్ డాగ్ " (డాగ్ స్క్వాడ్) అంతర్భాగంగా ఉన్నాయి.
police dog's Usage Examples:
A police dog is essentially a detection dog that is used as a resource for police in.
It specializes in the training of police dogs in explosive detection, drug detection, guard duties, anti-crime operations, helping detain criminals, and general purposes.
Thursday saw Moyles (and latterly Comedy Dave) fight Cynophobia with a police dog attack.
a decision by the Supreme Court of the United States which held that a sniff of luggage in a public place, by a police dog specially trained to detect.
in Britain this breed has also been used as a war dog, guide dog and police dog.
The park includes a fire hydrant painted like an American flag as a memorial to the police dog, which received.
Carter, the court held that a police dog's sniff of a rented storage locker is a search under the state Bill of Rights even though it is not a search under the federal Bill of Rights.
"Dickin Medal for Diesel the police dog killed.
Constable Bulldog – a stern policeman (or police dog) who takes a very dim view of the gang's well-meaning escapades.
The series follows the German Shepherd police dog Rex, his partners and the rest of the team at the Vienna Kriminalpolizei.
Persian: سگهای پلیس کارآگاهان ایران;) is the search and rescue and police dog unit of Law Enforcement Force of Islamic Republic of Iran and a subdivision.
In 1927, Eustis was 41 years old and living in Switzerland where she bred German Shepherds as police dogs when she wrote an article for The Saturday Evening Post, a popular weekly magazine.
The park includes a fire hydrant painted like an American flag as a memorial to the police dog, which.
working dog,
misconception, civil law, international law, civilian, pull,