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polemonium Meaning in Telugu ( polemonium తెలుగు అంటే)

పోలెమోనియం, పాలింజని

ఏ జనన పాలిమోనియం యొక్క ఏదైనా మొక్క; ఆర్కిటిక్ ప్రాంతాల్లో చాలామంది తరచుగా నిజాయితీగా మోసపూరిత మొక్కలు,

polemonium's Usage Examples:

Polemonium micranthum is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common names annual polemonium or annual Jacob"s-ladder.

Polemonium occidentale is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common names western polemonium and western Jacob"s-ladder.

Common names include royal Jacob"s-ladder, great polemonium, Oregon polemonium and salmon polemonium.

Polemonium vanbruntiae is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common names Appalachian Jacob"s ladder and Vanbrunt"s polemonium.

Polemonium californicum is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common names moving polemonium, low Jacob"s-ladder, and California.

Polemonium viscosum, known as sky pilot, skunkweed, sticky Jacobs-ladder, and sticky polemonium, is a flowering plant in the genus Polemonium native to.

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