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pockmarks Meaning in Telugu ( pockmarks తెలుగు అంటే)

పాక్‌మార్క్‌లు, పాక్ మార్క్

మశూచి లేదా మోటిమలు లేదా ఇతర పేలుడు వ్యాధి యొక్క కట్టర్ ద్వారా మిగిలి ఉన్న చర్మంపై ఒక కాలిబాట లేదా పిట్,

pockmarks's Usage Examples:

methane seeps gas hydrate seeps brine seeps are formed in brine pools pockmarks mud volcanoes Cold seeps occur over fissures on the seafloor caused by.

This drawing was executed in the realist style including Stalin"s pockmarks and stiffened arm.

transverse sand waves, barchanoid waves, giant scour depressions, and pockmarks).

The long-term erosion imposed by currents of stable orientation modifies pockmarks into long runnels and depressions.

described as a beauty nor as a prostitute, but as a virtuous girl scarred by pockmarks who supported herself by making false ornamental pearls and as an artist"s.

and the pockmarks flanking his nose".

downward slope of Heceta Bank, generally clustered in areas known as pockmarks.

follows: oil/gas seeps gas seeps: methane seeps gas hydrate seeps brine seeps are formed in brine pools pockmarks mud volcanoes Cold seeps occur over fissures.

the Arabic word for "pockmarked"; the lentils among the rice resemble pockmarks.

A myth spread by the Francoist authorities stated that the pockmarks in the stone were from the bullets of an anarchist execution of church.

Its tower has a lot of pockmarks from small bore cannon balls which were fired by Parliamentarian gunners.

Visible surface features such as oil seeps, natural gas seeps, pockmarks (underwater craters caused by escaping gas) provide basic evidence of.

positive relief mounds, pinnacles, mud volcanoes and negative relief pockmarks.


cicatrix, cicatrice, scar,


Heaven, detach, add, ignore,

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