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plus fours Meaning in Telugu ( plus fours తెలుగు అంటే)

ప్లస్ ఫోర్స్, దీర్ఘకాలిక (దాని పేరు అది సాధారణ నత్త కంటే ఎక్కువ నాలుగు అంగుళాలు)


ప్లేస్‌ఫోర్స్, దీర్ఘకాలిక (దాని పేరు అది సాధారణ నత్త కంటే ఎక్కువ నాలుగు అంగుళాలు),

plus fours's Usage Examples:

In 2008, plus fours were featured in André Benjamin's Benjamin Bixby clothing line, which was based on clothing worn by Ivy League athletes in the 1930s.

Tintin, the comic book character from The Adventures of Tintin'', wears plus fours.

The bagginess allegedly allowed plus fours to be hidden underneath.

often wore an argyle pattern tank top with their brogues, flat caps and plus fours.

These uniforms were known was "plus fours" or "apple catchers" or "knickerboxers.

the knee, and plus fours a further 4 inches of material (and a wider, baggier fit).

flamboyant attire of ivy caps and patterned pants, which were a cross between plus fours and knickerbockers, a throwback to the once-commonplace golf "uniform".

Golfers" plus twos and plus fours are breeches of this type.

the man in plus fours and the bellringer Dorothy Batley as the shingled lady Phyllis Konstam as the maid and the wife of man in plus fours Paul Gill as.

20th century, golfers often wore an argyle pattern tank top with their brogues, flat caps and plus fours.

nearby hospital attended by her husband (his employer and uncle), Franz busies himself arranging to buy a pair of plus fours, a long-deferred dream".

monuments"), Peter Blum writes: here is Jan van Riebeeck, very handsome in his plus fours; .

1924 on the wearing of plus fours by Oxford (and Cambridge) undergraduates at lectures.


knickerbockers, knee pants, knickers, breeches, knee breeches,


determinate, determinable, certain,

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