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plumules Meaning in Telugu ( plumules తెలుగు అంటే)

ప్లూమల్స్, డండీ యొక్క పిండం

యువ పక్షుల కింద రెక్కలు; కొన్ని వయోజన పక్షులు ఉంచుతుంది,


డండీ యొక్క పిండం, చిన్న మీద,

plumules's Usage Examples:

Overall, the filaments most closely resemble the "plumules" or down-like feathers of some modern birds, with a thick central quill.

and pushes out of the soil, allowing the more delicate tissues of the plumules and apical meristem to avoid damage from pushing through the soil.

in addition to the traditional feather, the emperor has afterfeathers, plumules, and filoplumes.

The larger individual plumules are what gives the greater loft.

Fledglings are born with cryptic plumules that help them blend in with the surrounding ground material to avoid predation.

square inch), a combination of dense afterfeathers and down feathers (plumules) likely play a critical role for insulation.


down feather, down,


worsen, up, ascending,

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