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plumber Meaning in Telugu ( plumber తెలుగు అంటే)

ప్లంబర్, మతశాల


కాసెరా, మతశాల, స్వీయ ఉద్యోగి, ప్లంబర్, చర్మం,

plumber's Usage Examples:

While designing the main character, Quote, Amaya drew inspiration from the plumber Mario's iconic original appearance—a large, expressive face and a high contrast between his white skin and red shirt make him stand out from the dark cave backgrounds.

Shane Jacobson, reprising his role of Kenny Smyth, Australia"s favourite portaloo plumber who scours the globe for bizarre, intriguing and often downright.

Later Arno slips Rhino a drink with knockout drops, and goes to investigate the plumber"s shop.

plumbers, electricians, nursing assistants, hairdressers, painters, cosmeticians, gardeners, iron workers, dairymen, secretaries, technicians, assistants.

torque wrenches used by plumbers to tighten the clamping bands on hubless soil pipe couplings.

There are many types of dangers to a plumber.

licences are required by the various state laws are those of barbers, horseshoers, elevator operators, plumbers, stationary firemen, steam engineers, telegraph.

George Ormsby (November 24, 1916 – May 20, 2013) was an American plumber and political candidate from Pennsylvania.

site with simple hand tools such as a plumber’s pipe cutter or a reciprocating saw.

McGlaughlin"s portable design was the first to feature the use of the 20-lb propane cylinders, which previously were exclusively used by plumbers as a fuel.

double-glazing salesmen, second-hand car dealers, gas fitters, mechanics, roofers, plumbers, and domestic rubbish collectors.

book-binders, copper-, brass-, tin- and lead workers, plumbers, and roof tilers.

In the Netherlands the term bouwvakkersdecolleté and in Germany Maurerdekolleté and in Poland dekolt hydraulika is used, which can be translated as builder's/mason's/plumber's cleavage.


artificer, artisan, pipe fitter, journeyman, craftsman,

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