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plasticizing Meaning in Telugu ( plasticizing తెలుగు అంటే)

ప్లాస్టిసైజింగ్, ప్లాస్టిజిజు

ప్లాస్టిక్ ప్లాస్టిక్ అయ్యింది,

plasticizing's Usage Examples:

Direct dry plasticizing yields fatter, drier cheese with superior.

It is a kind of thermal plasticizing hydrocarbon resin produced by C5, C9 fraction, by-products of petroleum.

higher fractions than the diphenylamines to take advantage of their plasticizing properties.

Machine shut-off nozzles serve as the connection between the plasticizing barrel (with reciprocating screw) and the mold.

majority of injection-molding machines are Jomar machines with vertical plasticizing cylinders, which come from the US.

overlubrication of the plasticizing screw can occur system-related.

Goodrich Company develop a method of plasticizing polyvinyl chloride, giving it commercial potential.

The mobile phase may play a role in plasticizing paint films, preventing them from becoming too brittle.

The plasticizing capabilities of triacetin have been utilized in the synthesis of a biodegradable.

Nitrocellulose, unmodified or plasticized with less than 18 percent plasticizing substance, by mass UN 0342 1.

This means an excessive liquid film on the plasticizing screw, which hinders the.

Bent - Bent knees are formed by plasticizing the wood to make it flexible via boiling, steaming, or microwaving (for.

It is possible that gluten proteins influence croissant firming through the loss of plasticizing water, which increases the stiffness of.


change, plasticise,


stay, focus, wet,

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