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pingle Meaning in Telugu ( pingle తెలుగు అంటే)

పింగిల్, స్వచ్ఛమైన


కలగని, ఒకటి, మాత్రమే, లోన్లీ, స్వచ్ఛమైన, సింగిల్, ఒంటరిగా,

pingle's Usage Examples:

The Battle of the Hatpins (French: Bataille des épingles à chapeaux) was a 1916 protest that occurred in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, over the effects of provincial.

plant in the family Brassicaceae known by the common name claspingleaf wild cabbage.

Potamogeton perfoliatus (claspingleaf pondweed, perfoliate pondweed, redhead grass) is a perennial aquatic plant in the family Potamogetonaceae occurring.

dominions and the power of shivaji, and many of them- the Hanmates, the pingles,Abbaji sondev, Pralhad Sonddev and others had shown great abilities in.

Carolina, Georgia, Virginia Boltonia decurrens - claspingleaf doll"s daisy, decurrent false aster - Illinois, Missouri, Iowa Boltonia diffusa - smallhead doll"s.

pingle — to be fussy about one"s food squit — rubbish, nonsense, e.

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