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pessima Meaning in Telugu ( pessima తెలుగు అంటే)


pessima తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

Generally not found at altitude, but has been reported as far up as 2300–3000 m.

WHITE #255 FF FF | String not found in table.

BLACK #40 FF FF 28 | String not found in table.

WHITE #255 28 FF FF | String not found in table.

WHITE #255 FF FF FF | String not found in table.

WHITE #255 FF FF FF FF | String not found in table.

103h 0FFh | Incoming code not found in table.

106h 103h | Incoming code not found in table.

107h 106h | Incoming code not found in table.

It contains, however, other vocabulary which is not found in standard Castilian, including vocabulary from Hebrew, some French, Greek and Turkish, and other languages spoken where the Sephardim settled.

Found throughout the Great Plains except for the northernmost areas (not found in North Dakota), and extending sporadically eastward as far as Kentucky.

The bronzes of the Western Zhou dynasty document large portions of history not found in the extant texts that were often composed by persons of varying rank and possibly even social class.

pessima's Usage Examples:

periscope persic- peach Greek περσικός (persikós) pessim- worst Latin pessimus pessimal pet- strive toward Latin petere appetite, compete, competition, impetus.

Riflessioni su una pessima riforma costituzionale (Roma, 2016) G.

An algorithm is said to be pessimal for a problem P if the best-case inefficiency of A is asymptotically equal.

literature has provided "insufficient support" for the prosthesis, with pessimal results for the procedure.

) peccavi per superbiam in multa mea mala iniqua et pessima cogitatione, locutione, pollutione, sugestione, delectatione, consensu.

of Bernard of Cluny, whose first book begins: Hora novissima, tempora pessima, sunt vigilemus Ecce minaciter, imminet arbiter, ille supremus.

Charles VIII on 15 January 1495) Sile fragor; Sola caret monstris / Fera pessima (1507); Virgo caelesti.

consurgens diluculo mittensque, et dicens: Convertimini unusquisque a via sua pessima, et bona facite studia vestra: et nolite sequi deos alienos, neque colatis.

antique board which bears a Latin inscription Ita in vita ut in lusu alae pessima jactura arte corrigenda est (translated in the book as As in life, so in.

malus, mala, malum ("bad, evil") pēior, pēius ("worse") pessimus, pessima, pessimum ("worst") magnus, magna, magnum ("great, large") māior, māius ("greater").

petit mal, premalignant • impair, impairment, pejoration, pejorative • pessimal mantum mant- dismantle, dismantlement, manta, mantel, mantelet, mantilla.

temperatures of Cyclops strenuus Fischer, 1851, and their relation to optimal, pessimal, and tolerant temperatures".

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