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penetrator Meaning in Telugu ( penetrator తెలుగు అంటే)

చొచ్చుకొనిపోయేవాడు, ఎంట్రలో

గుండా వెళుతున్న ఒక అక్రమంగా లేదా (తరచూ ప్రతిఘటనను అధిగమించడం),



penetrator's Usage Examples:

Kinetic penetratorsIn a military context, staballoys are metal alloys of a high proportion of depleted uranium with other metals, usually titanium or molybdenum, designed for use in kinetic energy penetrator armor-piercing munitions.

The penetrators would separate as the lander spacecraft enters.

Blast/fragmentation and lethality-enhancer for air defence, penetrators for bunker-busting and anti-ship application, shaped-charges to defeat.

204 Ruger, all the way to 1,700 m/s (5,600 ft/s) for tank guns firing kinetic energy penetrator.

Unlike tactical bombers, penetrators, fighter-bombers, and attack aircraft, which are used in air interdiction.

investigating in 2006, was to integrate a small data relay satellite and penetrators into the mission.

explosively formed penetrators for anti-armor work and fragmentation for antipersonnel work.

energy penetrators as well as shaped charge munitions; heavy metals are sometimes included specifically for protection from kinetic energy penetrators.

participants, but rather by the role that each participant played in the sex act, that of active penetrator or passive penetrated.

moving to a 12-month Phase A study of the mission systems and the planned penetrators.

Each penetrator consisted of two major structures: the forebody and the afterbody.

a kinetic projectile, kinetic energy weapon, kinetic energy warhead, kinetic warhead, kinetic kill vehicle or kinetic penetrator.

Tungsten penetrators also tend to form a mushroom shaped tip during armor penetration, while uranium ones tend to be self-sharpening.


trespasser, intruder, interloper,



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