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paroxytone Meaning in Telugu ( paroxytone తెలుగు అంటే)

వ్యూహాత్మక అటాచ్మెంట్ (పదం)

ఒత్తిడి లేదా తదుపరి అక్షరం మీద తీవ్రమైన ఉచ్చారణ,


వ్యూహాత్మక అటాచ్మెంట్ (పదం),

paroxytone's Usage Examples:

[paˈriːdʒi ɛ una tʃitˈta‿bbelˈlissima], "Paris is a very beautiful city" some paroxytone words (those whose stress is on the second-last syllable): come (not substantivized).

"Stress in Italian occurs most often on the penultimate syllable (paroxytones); it also occurs on the antepenultimate syllable (proparoxytones) .

señora, nosotros), or the antepenultimate syllable (proparoxytone, e.

A proparoxytone is stressed on the antepenultimate (third-last) syllable.

" Masculine paroxytone and proparoxytone nouns ending in -s are invariable.

Pitch accent Acute accent Oxytone, paroxytone, proparoxytone Circumflex Perispomenon, properispomenon Grave accent Barytone.

proparoxytones, except in words ending in –tion or –sion, which tend to be paroxytones (operation, equivocation, television).

señor, ciudad), the penultimate syllable (paroxytone, e.

symphonic musical styles with Afro-Brazilian rhythms to emphasize the dodecasyllable verses (lines with twelve syllables), each of which ends in a proparoxytone.

Wheeler's Law, which also developed during Proto-Greek, causes oxytone words to become paroxytone when ending in a syllable sequence consisting of heavy-light-light (ex.

In nouns and adjectives, loss of /n/ of medieval plurals in proparoxytone words.

señora, nosotros), or the antepenultimate syllable (proparoxytone.

Related terms are paroxytone (stress on the penultimate syllable) and oxytone (stress on the last syllable).




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