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oncidium Meaning in Telugu ( oncidium తెలుగు అంటే)


ఆన్సిడియం యొక్క ఏ ఆర్చిడ్: చిన్న పసుపు మరియు గోధుమ పువ్వుల యొక్క సన్నని శాఖలను కలిగి ఉంటుంది; తరచుగా ఒక ఇంట్లో పెరిగే అవకాశం ఉంది,

oncidium తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

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oncidium's Usage Examples:

were three main rooms—one for cattleyas, laelias, and hybrids; one for odontoglossums, oncidiums, miltonias, and their hybrids; and a tropical room (according.

rooms—one for cattleyas, laelias, and hybrids; one for odontoglossums, oncidiums, miltonias, and their hybrids; and a tropical room (according to Fer-de-Lance).

few-to-several flowered inflorescence, contrasts sharply with the larger, heavier oncidiums with long, "mule-ear" leaves and showy, branched inflorescences with many.

Previously known as the "equitant oncidiums," the species were segregated from the mega-genus Oncidium by.

for cattleyas, laelias, and hybrids; one for odontoglossums, oncidiums, miltonias, and their hybrids; and a tropical room (according to Fer-de-Lance).

Formerly there was a third group, called the Variegata or equitant oncidiums.

Previously known as the "equitant oncidiums," the species were segregated from the mega-genus Oncidium by Guido Braem.

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