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ogamic Meaning in Telugu ( ogamic తెలుగు అంటే)

ఓగామిక్, జతకాని



ogamic's Usage Examples:

– 8 April 1897, in Milan) was an Italian botanist who specialized in cryptogamic flora.

Glasgow) was a Scottish physician and one of Scotland"s leading experts on cryptogamic botany.

ReferencesNotesBibliographyKemény, István: The Structure of Hungarian Roma Groups in Light of Linguistic ChangesBiljana Sikimić, Linguistic Research of Small Exogamic Communities: the Case of Banyash Roumanians in SerbiaIan Hancock.

Every tribe had two exogamic phratries, termed mon"t" and por, and all members were considered to be.

The genus is named after John Fluegge, a German cryptogamic botanist.

There she trained curatorial assistants in the conservation and systematization of cryptogamic collections and scientifically.

The Ruska Roma are an endogamic group which keeps the Romany Law.

The name cryptochrome was proposed as a portmanteau combining the cryptic nature of the photoreceptor, and the cryptogamic organisms on which many blue-light studies were carried out.

work is said to have "formed an important baseline contribution to the cryptogamic botany of Ireland and western oceanic Europe".

cycle is depicted in the outer circuit and the apogamic cycle in the inner circuit.

hierarchy was established between the ancestors of the different sibs of the exogamic "Tariana ethnicity".

Marriage tended to be exogamic unlike many paleo-Siberian groups.

flowers, but is also able to produce cleistogamic underground flowers which fertilise themselves.

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