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oenomel Meaning in Telugu ( oenomel తెలుగు అంటే)

ఓనోమెల్, ఒనోమెయిల్

తేనెతో కలిపి వైన్,

oenomel's Usage Examples:

Most of the preparations reflect Roman methods (using ingredients such as oxymel and oenomel), but the Frankish love of raw bacon is also cited.

preparations reflect Roman methods (using ingredients such as oxymel and oenomel), but the Frankish love of raw bacon is also cited.

oenology œnology enology (AmE) From Greek οίνος (oinos) + λόγος (logos) oenomel œnomel oenothera œnothera oesophagus œsophagus esophagus (AmE) oestrus œstrus.


drink, drinkable, potable, beverage, honey,


abstain, dishonor, undrinkable, sour, achromatic,

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