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odontoglossum Meaning in Telugu ( odontoglossum తెలుగు అంటే)


అనేక రంగులు సాధారణంగా జన్యువులు గుణకారం యొక్క అనేక ఆర్కిడ్లు వద్ద అనేక రంగులలో పెద్ద పువ్వులు కలిగి,

odontoglossum తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

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odontoglossum's Usage Examples:

Odontoglossum cirrhosum, the wavy odontoglossum, is a species of orchid found from Colombia to Ecuador.

were three main rooms—one for cattleyas, laelias, and hybrids; one for odontoglossums, oncidiums, miltonias, and their hybrids; and a tropical room (according.

Odontoglossum nobile, the grand odontoglossum, is a species of orchid endemic to Colombia.

Odontoglossum tenue, the delicate odontoglossum, is a species of orchid ranging from southern Ecuador to northwestern Peru.

Odontoglossum constrictum, the constricted odontoglossum, is a species of orchid found from Colombia to northern Venezuela.

rooms—one for cattleyas, laelias, and hybrids; one for odontoglossums, oncidiums, miltonias, and their hybrids; and a tropical room (according to Fer-de-Lance).

Odontoglossum cruentum, the blood-red odontoglossum, is a species of orchid found from Ecuador to Peru.

Odontoglossum lindleyanum, the Lindley"s odontoglossum, is a species of orchid found from northwestern Venezuela to Ecuador.

Odontoglossum blandum, the charming odontoglossum, is a species of orchid found from Ecuador to Peru.

for cattleyas, laelias, and hybrids; one for odontoglossums, oncidiums, miltonias, and their hybrids; and a tropical room (according to Fer-de-Lance).

Odontoglossum crocidipterum, the saffron-yellow two-winged odontoglossum, is a species of orchid found from Colombia to northwestern Venezuela.

Odontoglossum hallii, the Hall"s odontoglossum, is a species of orchid found from Colombia to Ecuador.

Odontoglossum crispum, the curled odontoglossum, is an epiphytic orchid from the genus Odontoglossum.

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