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octameters Meaning in Telugu ( octameters తెలుగు అంటే)


ఎనిమిది మెట్రిక్ అడుగుల పద్యం,

octameters తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

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ి ిిి ి ి ి " " ి ి.

31 ి.

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85,000-00 ిి.

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ి: ిిి , .

, ి ిి , ి ి, ి , ి ిిి ి, ి ిిి ి.



octameters's Usage Examples:

the creation of the modern poetic form of the décima, composed of ten octameters, named espinela in Spanish after him.

Ottonari (octameters) and endecasillabi (hendecasyllables) were the most recurring meters.

The metre in which the poem is written is trochaic octameters, meaning there are eight feet, each except the last on the line consisting.

octameters's Meaning in Other Sites