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nuthatch Meaning in Telugu ( nuthatch తెలుగు అంటే)

నత్తచ్, నాథిచ్

వివిధ చిన్న చిన్న-టెల్ సాంగ్ బోర్డులు మరియు బలమైన కాళ్ళతో చిన్న గింజలు మరియు కీటకాలపై తినే ఒక పదునైన ముక్కు ఏదీ కాదు,



nuthatch's Usage Examples:

The pygmy nuthatch (Sitta pygmaea) is a tiny songbird, about 10 cm (4 inches) long and about 10 grams in weight.

These included rock nuthatches in Asia, Australian [of the genus Dragon Day is an annual event that occurs the Friday before spring break at Cornell University.

compared with other nuthatch, the species has been described as working "unhurriedly", as they peck at trunks, lichen and other epiphytes, searching for prey.

uncommon plants and many breeding birds, such as tree pipits, nuthatches and hawfinches.

woodpeckers, tits, larks, warblers, nuthatches, thrushes, redstart, flycatchers, redpolls, finches, and buntings.

Przevalski"s nuthatch (Sitta przewalskii), originally given the nomen nudum "Sitta eckloni", is a bird species in the family Sittidae, collectively known.

although the North American red-breasted nuthatch migrates to warmer regions during the winter.

The Algerian nuthatch (Sitta ledanti), a small passerine bird which is the only bird species endemic to Algeria, was first discovered.

The nuthatch vanga (Hypositta corallirostris), also known as the coral-billed nuthatch-vanga and formerly as the coral-billed nuthatch, is a species of.

Canada goose, barnacle goose, wood warbler, European pied flycatcher, thrush nightingale, Eurasian nuthatch, common treecreeper, European robin, hawfinch,.

wood thrushes, ovenbirds, Eastern tufted titmouses, Eastern towhees, veeries, pileated woodpeckers, nuthatches, common yellowthroats, and American redstarts.

strategy for some groups of birds, including nuthatches, tits (including chickadees), wrens, woodcreepers, treecreepers, Old World flycatchers, Tyrant flycatchers.

The brown-headed nuthatch (Sitta pusilla) is a small songbird found in pine forests throughout the Southeastern United States.

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