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nifty Meaning in Telugu ( nifty తెలుగు అంటే)

నిఫ్టీ, స్మెల్లీ


ఫ్యాషన్, కుంభకోణం, స్మెల్లీ, చదును, మంచిది,

nifty తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

డిసెంబర్ 10: విలియం స్మెల్లీ సంపాదకీయం చేసిన ఎన్సైక్లోపీడియా బ్రిటానికా వారపు సంచికల్లో మొదటి దాన్ని ఎడిన్బర్గ్లో ప్రచురించారు.

స్మెల్లీ హెయిర్ నుండి వాసన .

జూన్ 24: విలియం స్మెల్లీ, స్కాటిష్ ప్రింటర్, ఎన్సైక్లోపెడిస్ట్.

nifty's Usage Examples:

and the ridiculous, an hour-long package of nifty treats and oddball amazements "Spud"s World -- Half-Baked? Hot Potatoes? Spud Goodman Has A Show With.

Manohla Dargis of The New York Times called the film a nifty, tense thriller and said that the casting of the two leads is a nice surprise.

Rarely in the history of technology, wrote Howard Morland, has such a seemingly daunting problem turned out to have such a nifty solution.

Nifty Corporation, stylized as NIFTY Corporation (ニフティ株式会社) and @nifty (ニフティ), is one of the leading internet service providers in Japan, and a subsidiary.

Rolling Stone wrote that "the songs, along with dependably crunchy rhythms, give up nifty pop hooks.

The heroines are aided by a unique panda-esque companion, Panda-bu and nifty card-swiping/magic-transformation gadgets.

Saying that the album had some nifty choruses and nice atmospheres, the review went on to say it evinces too little melodic development and too much tortured soul-gazing.

praised "a charismatic dimension to Williams" leading performance, some tautly edited and dramatically photographed action setpieces and some nifty comic.

"GRIC unwires @nifty, Japan"s largest Internet service provider - Business - GRIC Communications.

that "it looked to many towards last back-end as if he was going to blossom forth as a nifty right-half".

benevolent voice that makes a nifty contrast to his would-be-Kennedyesque speechifying, expounding on the values that sent humans to the stars".

New York Variety was mixed about the film citing, nifty productional accoutrements with too unsteady a story line.


swell, peachy, bully, bang-up, not bad, good, cracking, slap-up, neat, corking, great, smashing, keen, groovy, dandy,


dull, unperceptive, unfashionable, woman, bad,

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