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mizzen Meaning in Telugu ( mizzen తెలుగు అంటే)

మిజ్జెన్, మిజెన్

మూడు లేదా అంతకంటే ఎక్కువ స్తంభాలు ఉన్న ఒక నౌకలో మూడవ సరదా; ఒక వ్యక్తి లేదా డాండీ మరియు చిన్న మాస్ట్ తర్వాత,

mizzen's Usage Examples:

upper end of the main-topmast-staysail; a mizzen-topmast may carry the equivalent.

A two-masted vessel has a mainmast, the other being a foremast or mizzen.

A steadying sail is a mizzen sail on motor vessels.

mast name: Foresail, mainsail, mizzen sail, jigger sail or more commonly forecourse etc.

Royal Sovereign lost her mizzen and mainmasts, her foremast was badly damaged and much of her rigging was shot away.

and was a ketch, spritsail rigged on the main, and lateen on the small mizzen.

foremast, mainmast and mizzenmast, all three masts fitted with topmasts and gaffs for the gaff sails and the fore topmast fitted with three yards for the.

a two-masted sailboat whose mainmast is taller than the mizzen mast (or aft-mast), generally in a 40-foot or bigger boat.

The later carracks were square-rigged on the foremast and mainmast and lateen-rigged on the mizzenmast.

the mizzenmast is abaft the mainmast.

They were two-masted with a tall dipping lugsail and a mizzen sail.

luggers tended to be discarded, with larger sails being set on the fore and mizzen.

Wolfe had brought down her mizzen topmast and during the pursuit, the main topgallant mast had also fallen and the rigging of the foremast and bowsprit had been damaged.

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