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mineral pitch Meaning in Telugu ( mineral pitch తెలుగు అంటే)

మినరల్ పిచ్, ఖనిజ పిచ్


ఖనిజ పిచ్,

mineral pitch's Usage Examples:

to several different preparations in the history of medicine, from "mineral pitch" to "powdered human mummies".

Gesner"s patent kerosene gas, obtained from bitumen, asphaltum, or mineral pitch.

and scratching lines in the marble and filling these with bitumen or mineral pitch.

"Tar" and "pitch" can be used interchangeably; asphalt (naturally occurring pitch) may also be called either "mineral tar" or "mineral pitch".

Gesner"s patent kerosene gas obtained from bitumen, asphaltum, or mineral pitch.

The 1789 discovery of uranium in the mineral pitchblende is credited to Martin Heinrich Klaproth, who named the new element after.

(naturally occurring pitch) may also be called either "mineral tar" or "mineral pitch".


mica, pyrite, sphalerite, rhodonite, thortveitite, ozocerite, germanite, garnet, magnesia, pentlandite, turquoise, olivenite, stuff, fluor, tin pyrites, idocrase, zinkenite, copper pyrites, barite, pyromorphite, bauxite, cassiterite, borax, carnallite, columbite-tantalite, hemimorphite, stibnite, barytes, pyrrhotine, spodumene, zeolite, topaz, pyrrhotite, smaltite, kainite, sapphirine, mineral wax, xenotime, cadmium sulphide, kyanite, apatite, tantalite, ore, wollastonite, amblygonite, manganite, gadolinite, olivine, kieserite, molybdenite, cryolite, beryl, greenockite, ytterbite, amphibole, sodalite, baddeleyite, columbite, samarskite, stone, corundom, argentite, rutile, earth wax, galena, opal, strontianite, blende, arsenopyrite, meerschaum, pyrolusite, stannite, coltan, mispickel, magnesite, mineral tar, peacock ore, sylvite, monazite, aragonite, cerussite, gypsum, barium sulphate, millerite, cobaltite, pinite, vanadinite, chrysoberyl, langbeinite, pyrophyllite, cristobalite, magnetic pyrites, fergusonite, vesuvianite, ozokerite, nephelite, maltha, rhodochrosite, nepheline, argyrodite, psilomelane, chalcocite, osmiridium, material, jadeite, cinnabar, fool's gold, talcum, bornite, crocolite, malachite, magnesium oxide, wolframite, pyroxene, kernite, iron pyrite, corundum, wurtzite, heavy spar, asphalt, earth color, halite, periclase, spinel, niobite, scheelite, red clay, graphic tellurium, zircon, calamine, green lead ore, tourmaline, bitter spar, zirconium silicate, sepiolite, thorite, cyanite, chlorite, garnierite, augite, cuprite, erythrite, spar, celestite, zinc blende, rock salt, iridosmine, vesuvian, emery, sylvine, fluorspar, white lead ore, pollucite, bastnaesite, gibbsite, isinglass, vermiculite, chalcopyrite, hausmannite, fluorite, dolomite, bastnasite, rock, chromite, realgar, copper glance, nephelinite, Greenland spar, nitrocalcite, amphibole group, cobalt bloom, ader wax, iron manganese tungsten, glauconite, wulfenite, mineral pitch, sylvanite, kaolinite, tridymite, ilmenite, orpiment, quartz, cordierite, talc,


insulator, unstuff, unclog, pull, empty,

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